Heredia is an incredible, very fine and courageous person. But above all that,
extremely talented. Rocío is graced with a unique, natural talent, and
her love for the metal, radiates from each and every piece of her work.
Her determination and will to learn are unsurpassed. Few people possess the passion
and excitement with which she approaches the metal. Rocío is truly a rare
find and an artist with a great future". ~ Valentin
Yotkov, Member Society of American Silversmiths.
Heredia, another chasing guru, truly important for North America".
Charles Lewton-Brain, Master Goldsmith. Former President, Canadian Crafts Federation/Federation
des Metier d'Arts.

"This is ART!" ~ Efrén Ordóñez, Master Painter.

"Words can never say enough
to emphasis the quality Rocío puts into her metals and forms and interactions
with soul and media."
~ bpFINK, Master Sculptor.

"It's all too desparately beautiful. Heroic. I literally spent most
of my teenage life in the Mediaeval Treasury at the Metropolitan Museum and in
The Cloisters, and hangin' around Gothic churches on Fifth Avenue, and drowning
in books of illuminations, icons, and especially metalwork. It was a feeling.
This feeling." ~ Robin the Hammer Ludwig,
Master Goldsmith
"Art creates sort of an addiction. Art is not merely a project. It's my Life!" ~ Rocío Heredia
Heredia / Photo: Mariana Figueroa
Rocío Heredia
is a self-taught artist of the contemporary Mexican generation. Her work reflects
the evolving artistic and cultural traditions of Mexico, from the ancient Aztec
and Teotihuacan societies to the complexities of the Spanish conquest, up to recent
times. Ms. Heredia began her career in metal art by creating ornamental panels
with religious subjects drawn from Catholicism and Judaism. Her mentor, Master
Painter/Sculptor Efrén Ordóñez, provided support and inspiration, and collaborated
with Ms. Heredia to create panels featuring painted human figures. Ms. Heredia's
early work was exhibited in a one-woman show, "Divine Inspiration,"
at the Loyola Cultural Center of Monterrey in May, 2001. Since then, Ms. Heredia
has been the recipient of numerous recognitions and awards for skillful and passionately
realized themes. She has studied with Valentin Yotkov in New York, and was the
first recipient of the Valentin Yotkov Studio Scholarship. Ms. Heredia's works
are in private collections in Mexico, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Italy,
Israel, Spain, Germany, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba and Thailand. Currently, Ms. Heredia divides her time among metal art,
alternative photography, printmaking, professional
website creation, and graphic design. Ms. Heredia is a member of the
Cultural Information System ~ National Council for the Culture and the Arts, the Council for Arts and
of Nuevo León, the Society of American Silversmiths, & the Society of North
American Goldsmiths, |
Rocio holds a degree in Psychology from the Regiomontana University
of Monterrey, Nuevo León. Ms. Heredia uses the traditional metalsmithing techniques
of chasing and repoussé in high relief to create fully detailed icon covers, Judaica,
and figurative art designs on fine silver, copper, gold and tin. Currently she
experiments with 24k gold fusion, textures. patinas and techniques.
Rocio Heredia enjoys
exploring what can be done with other
techniques and media. Photography, printmaking, graphite drawing, painting, and
she absolutely loves metalsmithing. To this day it's still her strongest suit. Crucial to Ms. Heredia's
work is the unusual way in which she has turned a physical handicap into a creative
advantage. Suffering from visual impairment, she uses the sense of touch as a
basic tool, the effectiveness of which is evidenced in her finely detailed,
highly-wrought surfaces.
Rocío Heredia was selected to participate in the
next juried art exhibitions: "Ser Mujer " (First Edition, 2011) and "Ser Mujer " (Second Edition, 2012) Juried Shows of Female
Photographers at Hector Garcia Foundation Gallery in Mexico City.
Heredia was invited to participate in "FOTO Septiembre" Collective Exhibition of Photographers (September of 2019) and in the Collective Art Show in the framework of the 2019 International Women's
Day: “100 MUJERES” (March of 2019), both shows were held at the Former Palace of García Museum in García, Nuevo León, México. Rocío has been exhibiting her artwork in Ecuador as a member of
"Desde la Mirada de Artistas Plásticas" a Female Multidisciplinary Artists
Rocío Heredia's biography and artwork had been published in the new book
"Artistas Visuales de Nuevo León Guía 2019" published
by the Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo León - CONARTE (2019).
Rocío Heredia's collaboration had been published in the electronic book
"Spanish B for the IB Diploma Teaching and Learning Resources Second Edition" written by
Mike Thacker & Sebastian Bianchi and published
by Hodden Education Publishing House. (United Kingdom. May of 2019).

Special Thanks to:
MD María Esther Pérez Vázquez, MD Luis Vidaurri Leal, MD Carlos Manuel Dillmann, MD Jorge Luis Montemayor,
MD Mariano Fuentes Cantú, MD Héctor Alcaraz Amaya, MD Jorge Alberto Leal
Salazar, MD Jorge Melchor Flores Dávila, MD
Jorge Eduardo García González, MD
Juan Homar
Páez, MD Mario Benavides, MD Arturo Luis Villarreal Muraira and Professor María Eugenia Fuentes. No one deserves
Rocio Heredia has been recognized for her work
as a cultural promoter, and her online magazine "Contemporary Arts in Mexico"
had been listed in the categories of Education and Culture of the Mexican
Government Web Directory. 2009.
Fred de Vos Studio Scholarship, Il Chiostro, Venice, Italy, 2005 Dorothy
MacKenzie Annual Purchase Award, 2004. Bowling Green State University, B.G., OH
The purpose of this annual award is to purchase an outstanding artwork for the
Dorothy MacKenzie Collection of Jewelry and Metalwork, in Bowling Green State
University's permanent collection. Metalwerx First Artist in Residence Award/Grant
2003, Waltham, MA
3rd. Place BTDesign Master of the Year 2001 Award, 2nd. Best Artworks & 2nd.
Best Artsite, Faenza, RA, Italy
Valentin Yotkov Studio Scholarship. 2001, Brooklyn,
New York.
her awards in 2001, Ms. Heredia began her ongoing collaboration with BTDesign
Art Gallery, interviewing guest artists and evaluating sculptors for the Master
Annual Art Award. Her
interviews with prominent artists can be viewed at
Ms. Heredia has offered workshops in repousse and other techniques, talks
and demonstrations at the
Stockton Jewelry Arts School, in Stockton, CA; Metalwerx, Waltham, MA; Bowling
Green State University, Bowling Green, OH; Dolores Valenza Studio, New York,
NY; Custom Design Metal Arts Studio, Ocala, FL., and "El Alba" Fine Arts School,
Holguín, Cuba. She has taught private classes
and workshops on her Chasing and Repoussé technique in Mexico and abroad
since 1997.
"Mi Apropiación de Cuba"
Iberoamérica during the 20 Romerías de Mayo Festival.
2013. Holguín, Cuba.
"Mi Apropiación de Cuba"
National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC)
during the XVIII edition of the Ibero-American Culture
Festival, Holguin, Cuba. October 2012.
.:: "The Mexican Tourist ~ 2011 Tour" Solo Show of Rocío Heredia were presented in the framework of the 19th Romerias de Mayo 2012 Festival (19th May Pilgrimages) taking place at the
"Alex Urquiola" Provintial Library in the eastern city of Holguin. .::
"The Mexican Tourist" Solo Show of Rocío Heredia at the Birth Place of Calixto Garcia Museum opens during the Culture Week of the also nicknamed Cuban City of the Parks. January 2012.
.:: "The Mexican Tourist ~ 2011 Tour" Solo Show of Rocío Heredia at the "Alex Urquiola" Provintial Library in Holguín, Cuba. Opened on December 14th of 2011~ during the
"Cultural Workers Day", a tribute dedicated to those working in the field, and prominent personalities from the arts and letters. .:: "The Mexican Tourist - 2011 Tour" Solo Exhibition.
House of Iberoamérica.
4th edition of the International
Solidarity Artistic Brigade.
.:: "Corazón
de Metal"
Solo Exhibition. Regiomontana University. Rectory Gallery.
October 2011.
.:: "Corazón de Metal" Solo Exhibition. "La Pérgola"
House of Culture of San Nicolás. October 2011.
.:: "Corazón de Metal" Solo Exhibition. Rocío
showed her artwork at The Image Museum during the XXXI
Caribbean Festival - Earth of Fire 2011 in the Eastern
City of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
.:: "Corazón de Metal"
Solo Exhibition.
It was held at Casa Marco in the
Marqueta Place during the 18 Romerías de Mayo Festival, in
the beautiful city of in Holguin, Cuba.
.:: "The Mexican Tourist ~ Reloaded" Solo Exhibition at BAM Cultural
Center (Centro Cultural Barrio Antiguo Monterrey).
Official Event of the Celebration of 2010 Mexico -
Bicentennial of Mexican Independence and the Centennial of
the Revolution - Monterrey, N.L. November 12th to December
21st of 2010.
"Concave and Convex"
Solo Exhibition. Art
Hall of the Ministry of Education of Nuevo León.
.:: "The Mexican Tourist"
Rocio Heredia received an invitation to do a Solo Exhibition during the inauguration of Pedro Angel
Martinez new Mayor of General Zuazua, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Las Trojes Main Art Hall within The
Hacienda San Pedro Museum.
The show runs from october 30th to december 15th of 2009.
.:: "Corazón de Metal" Solo Exhibition. Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the National
Action Party, at Art Hall within PAN Comittee in Monterrey, Mexico. The show runs from
august 20th. of 2009 to january 19th. of 2010.
.:: "The
Mexican Tourist" Solo Exhibition. Hacienda San Pedro -
UANL Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. June 16th - July
16th, 2009. General Zuazua, Nuevo León.
.:: "Vida
y Color de México" Solo Exhibition. Mexico is slated
to commemorate in 2010, the Bicentennial of Mexican
Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution, Rocio
Heredia received an invitation to do
a Solo Exhibition in its previous events. Art Hall within
Nuevo Leon State Ministry of Education. May 2009. Monterrey, N.L.
.:: "Fotoseptiembre
2008" Solo Exhibition at El Blanqueo Industrial Museum, Santa Catarina, Nuevo
Leon. Art Opening:
September 11th, 2008.
.:: Garden Gallery Art Show "A Fusion
of Art and Nature"
Dallas, Texas - May 2007.
"Corazón de Metal" Solo Exhibition at El Blanqueo Industrial Museum, Santa
Catarina, Nuevo Leon. Art Opening: July 10th-August 10th, 2008.
"Divine Inspiration"
Solo Exhibition at the Loyola
Cultural Center, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, May 2001.
.:: "100 Mujeres". Collective Art Exhibition in the frame of the International Women's Day at the Former Palace of García Museum. García, Nuevo León, México. March of 2019.
.:: "FOTO Septiembre". Collective Photography Exhibition at the Former Palace of García Museum. García, Nuevo León, México. September of 2019.
.:: "Conmemoración Día Internacional de la Mujer". Casa de Arte Gallery,
Tumbaco, Ecuador. March of 2018.
.:: "Mujeres del Mundo". Galería de Arte del Centro Cultural Villa Carmen,
Misión Social Rumiñahi, Sangolguí, Pichincha, Ecuador. November of 2017.
.:: "Agosto: Mes de las Artes". Casa de Arte Gallery, Tumbaco, Ecuador. August
of 2017.
.:: "Miradas Diversas". Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana - Salas Kingman y
Guayasamín, Quito, Ecuador. Art Opening: June 26th of 2017.
.:: "Desde La Mirada". Casa de Arte Gallery, Tumbaco, Ecuador, 2016.
.:: "Miradas del Mundo", Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carreón y el
Área de la Mujer Nela Martínez, Ecuador. Noviembre 2015.
.:: "Ser Mujer II". Héctor García Foundation Gallery. Juried Show. Art Opening:
march 19 of 2014. Mexico City..
.:: "2014 MUJERES ExpoTour", Museo Metropolitano, Monterrey, N.L. The show runs from march 6th to april
20th of 2014.
.:: "Libertad - Día Internacional de la Mujer" Palacio Legislativo
Mejía Lequerica Hall within Asamblea Nacional República del Ecuador.
Quito Ecuador. Art Opening: march 6th of 2014.
.:: "Cordeles de Sueños" Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carreón y el
Área de la Mujer Nela Martínez, fDecember of 2013. Quito, Ecuador.
.:: "Revolución de las Almas" Montonera Isabel Muentes Hall within
Centro Cívico Ciudad Alfaro November 2013, Montecristi, Ecuador.
.:: FOTOUR Museo Metropolitano, September 13th-November 17th of 2013.
Monterrey, Nuevo León.
..:: "2013 Mujeres, Expo Tour". Centro Cultural BAM. Monterrey, Mexico.
.:: "Diversas y dispersas" at San Juan
Villafuerte, Multiple y Manuel Chili Halls
within the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador. March 7th to april 12th of 2013.
.:: "Revolución de las Almas" at "Benjamín Carrión" House of Ecuadorian
Culture. Quito, Ecuador. March 6th to march 29th of 2013.
.:: Rocío Heredia was chosen to participate in the Juried Online Exhibition "Differences
Unite Us". Rocio Heredia participated with the next three repoussé artworks: "Saint
George and the Dragon", "The
Adoration of the Magi" and "Elixir
of Life". The exhibition showcases 330 artworks chosen from entries from
over 111 artists representing 26 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, India, Israel, Italy,
Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Serbia, Spain,
Trinidad, Turkey, UK, USA, Venezuela, and the Virgin Islands. Exhibition
Curator: Beth Wicker. Permantent Exhibition. The Ganoksin Project, Thailand.
.:: "Cuba,
Caminos de Fe" Juried Collective Art Show at the Main Hall of The "Centro
de Artes" in Holguin, Cuba. (2012).
.:: Rocío Heredia had been selected for "Ser Mujer" Juried Collective Exhibition of Women Photographers. at Hector Garcia Foundation Gallery in Mexico City. The show runs from april 18th to june 30th of 2012.
.:: "Renacer" at "Periquera Museum" during the Festival of Artistic Youths - Romerías de Mayo 2012. Holguin, Cuba. .:: "Cazadas" within the Proposal "Desde la mirada...". It was held at San Juan Villafuerte Hall within the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador in Quito, Ecuador. “Gala Artística por el Día Nacional de la Cultura Cubana” Collective Art Exhibition at
La Superior ~ Monterrey School of Music and Dance ~ INBA. Chopin Hall. October 2011.
.:: "Salón del Caribe"
“Salón del Caribe” Juried Collective Art Exhibition at
Oriente Galería during the XXXI Edition of the Caribbeann
Festival in the city of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. July 2011. This
had showcased the remarkable
of juror-selected
artists from around the
.:: "Mujeres" Expo-Tour, Juried
Collective Exhibition at Regia Gallery, Monterrey, N.L.
.:: "Fotoseptiembre" Collective Exhibition.
Casa de la Cultura de San Pedro, San Pedro Garza
García, N.L. September 2009. .:: "2008
Award-Winning Artists" Collective Exhibition. Casa de la Cultura de San
Pedro, San Pedro Garza
García, N.L. August 2009.
.:: "Producción@Plástica"
Juried Exhibition. Alfredo Ramos Martínez Gallery within
Plaza Fátima Cultural Center, March-April 2009. San Pedro
Garza Garcia, Nuevo León.
'09" Collective Exhibition. Unidad Cultural Abasolo.
Architecture Faculty / University of Nuevo León - UANL,.
March, 2009.
"Cultura en Santa Catarina, Claro que se Puede"
Serie de Carteles/ Best Shows of the Year.
Collective Exhibition Corredor del Arte (Torre Administrativa),
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León. November-December 2008.
Casa de la Cultura La Pergola - Collective Art Show, San
Nicolas de los Garza, N.L. June 2008.
"Mujeres en el Arte - Expo Tour" ::.
Collective Exhibition. Corredor del Arte (Torre Administrativa),
Santa Catarina, Nuevo León. March 6- April 6, 2008.
.:: Casa de la Cultura La Pergola -
Collective Art
Show at the Theater of the City of San Nicolás, San Nicolás,
Nuevo León. December 2007.
.:: Collage
of the Arts Exhibition. XXX Edition of Cultural Week of the Economy Faculty. University
of Nuevo León - UANL, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. April
.:: Orchid
Silent Auction, Tucson, AZ, February 2005
..:: Valentin
Yotkov Studio, NY - Gem Stones, Metalwork and Paintings Special Event -
October 2004.
.:: School of Art, Bowling Green
State University, Ohio - Permanent
Collection - Spring 2004.
SNAG Silent Auction - Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference - "In
Pursuit of Passion" - Saint Petersburg, Florida.
March 2004. |
.:: Orchid Silent Auction, Tucson, Arizona, February
2004. .:: Metalwerx - Artist in Residence,
Waltham, MA. Fall 2003. .:: Bowling Green State University - Visiting Artist.
Art Talks-Lectures Series 03-04. October 2003, Ohio.
Silent Auction, San Francisco, CA, 2003.
Silent Auction, Tucson, AZ, 2003.
Silent Auction, Denver, CO 2002.
Metalwerx, Woburn, CA, and BPFink Studio, Woodstock, Connecticut, Summer 2002.
Orchid Silent Auction, New York, NY, 2002
Exhibition at the BTDesign
Art Gallery , Faenza, Italia December 2001.
Joaquin Delta
College, Stockton, CA, 2001.
Stockton Jewelry Arts School, Stockton,
CA, 2001.
Exhibition Galleria Incognita, Carlsbad, CA, 2001. |
Rocío Heredia and Ana Pellicer, Sculptor at the SNAG Conference San
Francisco, California 2003
.:: "Artistas Visuales de Nuevo León Guía 2019".
Book published by The Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo León CONARTE. Editorial Coordinator: Miguel Durán. Catalog Coordinator: Juan Manuel Flores Valenzuela. Editorial Design: Carlos Alberto González | TGB. Edition Supervision: Eduardo Ribé.
Plastic Arts Representatives: Laura Morales and Marcela Morales. México. 2019.
.:: "Spanish B for the IB Diploma Teaching and Learning Resources Second Edition"
Rocío´s collaboration was selected and published in the electronic book written by
Mike Thacker & Sebastian Bianchi. Chapter 4. "Artist to Artist: Rocío Heredia interviews Efrén Ordoñez"
. Hodden Education Publishing House. United Kingdom. Published: May of 2019. ISBN 9781510447325.
.:: "Ser
Mujer" Exhibition at Héctor García Gallery.Video by: Mariana Lizárraga.
Edition: Carlos Montes de Oca. Inéditas Films. 2012.
.:: Rocío Heredia has been featured in the new book "Chasing and Repousse"
written by Nancy Megan Corwin, Brynmorgen Press, Pages 144-145. USA. 2009.
.:: ¡Dímelo tú! ::. Chapter 4 Page 145. Great
mexican artists. Francisco Rodríguez Nogales, Fabián A. Samaniego, Thomas J.
Blommers. 2010 Heinle, Cengage Learning. ISBN-10: 1428211489.
.:: ¡De una Vez! A College Course for Spanish Speakers ::.Rocio Heredia's
work and biography
were published in the
Textbook ¡De una vez! written by Fabián A. Samaniego, Francisco Rodríguez,
Nelson Rojas. Published by Heinle, ©2008. Chapter 8. México: In
Revolution in the XXI century ~ Hispanic art: "San Jorge y el dragón" by Rocío
Heredia". ISBN: 0618348948.
..:: Rocio Heredia's work had been published in the new book "Los 7 pasos de la danza del
comer. Cultura, género e identidades" written by the Dr. Marjorie Ross - President
of The Costa Rican Women Writers Association.
University of Costa Rica Publisher. ISBN 978-9968-46-121-4. 2009 ::.
.:: Book cover ~ Dragon Slayer written by
Christopher Cookson, Editor: Cookson Books. July 2004 ::.
.:: "Efrén Ordóñez - Galería Cultural" by Rocío Heredia. Perspectiva Magazine.
Published by Colegio de Arquitectos de Nuevo León, A.C. y Sociedad de
Arquitectos de Nuevo León.
SIC Mexico - Cultural Information System
.:: Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo Leon ~ Conarte
Visual Arts Guild.
.:: Council for Culture and Arts of Nuevo Leon ~ Conarte.
Photography Guild.
.:: "Tan frío como el hielo" by Vicky James, Curator / Art Critic. Milenio.com
"The Mexican Tourist ~ Palabras de inauguración" by Yuricel Moreno. Portal
de la Casa de Iberoamérica.
"The Mexican Tourist" by Yamilé Mulet Roig. "La Luz" Cultural News and
Baibrama Cultural Ezine Octubre 2011. Holguín, Cuba
. :: "Corazón de Metal Art Opening at Regiomontana University" By Carlos Rodriguez. Expression UR Magazine.
. :: "Porque no siempre sea Corazón de Metal" by Vicky James, Curator / Art Critic. Milenio.com
"Corazón Metálico con amor" interview with Rocio Heredia
conducted by Yasel Toledo Garnache.
Baibrama, el portal cultural del quehacer cultural en Holguín, Cuba.
.:: Press conference during the 18th Romerías porque no hay hoy sin ayer.
Interview conducted by Yuliet García Hechavarría, at La Luz - Centro de
Comunicación Cultural. Delegación México. Holguín, Cuba. 2011.
.:: Interview with Rocio Heredia conducted by José Luis Estrada
Betancourt. National TV. Holguín, Cuba.
.:: Rocío Heredia's work had been mentioned in the article "Wings of stretched
metal" published in the 2010 March School Arts Magazine.
.:: Rocío Heredia interviewed by Gerardo López Moya on Mexican TV Cultural
Show "Taller Abierto". ("Open Studio" Multimedios TV. July 2009.
"México in the light of Rocío Heredia" By: Dr. Marjorie Ross.
Costa Rican writer. Directive of the Museum of Contemporary Art and
Design of Costa Rica (MADC) , 2008
Pío Víquez National Prize of Journalism
.:: Interview with Rocío Heredia ::.
conducted by Carla Farias, Mt.SAT College. April 2009.
.:: The visual artist
Rocio Heredia had been featured in "The Best of 2008 La Silla Magazine" Yearly Edition -
Article: "I'm Legend" January 2009.
.:: De la Vista Nace su Arte ::. Interview
with featured artist Rocío Heredia conducted by Yadira Fernández, Photo by Ana Carolina Camarena,
published by El Norte - La Silla Magazzine Printed Edition.
.:: De la Vista Nace su Arte ::. Interview
with featured artist Rocío Heredia conducted by Yadira Fernández, Photo by Ana Carolina Camarena,
published by ELNORTE.com - La Silla Online Magazzine.
.:: Exhiben en Corredor del Arte "Cultura en Santa Catarina" ::.
SantaCatarina.Gob.mx November 2008.
.:: Transmite Santa Catarina la fotografía mexicana con "Expo Septiembre" ::.
SantaCatarina.Gob.mx. September08.
.:: "The
luminous art of Rocío Heredia" written by Dr. Marjorie Ross, President
of The Costa Rican Women Writers Association. July 2008.
.:: Abre Rocío Heredia su "Corazón de Metal" a santacatarinenses ::.
.:: Inauguración Exposición Individual "Corazón de Metal" de Rocío Heredia
::. MNoticias
An American Artisan Online Magazine. Artisan Gallery: Rocio Heredia Metalworks
::. Summer 2007,
Pages 10-11. By Roger G. Bradley, Owner/Editor. .:: Artist Spotlight Rocio Heredia, Metalsmith/Repousse
Artist ::. Metal Artist Forum Volume I Number 3 April 2007. .:: Interview with Rocío Heredia ::.

.:: SNAG News, Fred de Vos Wax Workshop in
Venice 2005 Scholarship. February 2006 ::.
.:: SNAG News, Collage of the Arts Exhibition,
September 2005 ::. .:: SNAG News, Dragon Slayer Cover, 2005::.
.:: Feature Artist - Preferences
The Best of the Best, January 2005 ::.
.:: SNAG News, Dorothy MacKenzie Annual Purchased
Award 2004, September 2004 ::. .:: Art-Atlas.net - Hot Artlink of the Month,
January 2004 ::. .:: Bowling Green State University - School
of Arts News ::. .:: SNAG News, Recipient of the First Metalwerx
Artist-in-Residence Award 2003 ::.
.:: Feature Artist - Free-Art.org, Veneto,
Italy, July 2003 ::. .:: Site of the Month - El Restaurador / Spain,
Spring 2003 ::. .:: Artiste D'Mon and Interview by Silverio
Pantalla, Widemag::. .:: Feature Artist - Talento Categoria
Manuale - NTO.it , Italy, November 2002 ::. .:: Best of the Week - Art - Ponteiro
- Guia de Informações, Brazil, October 2002 ::. .:: Feature Art Site ArtLinkWarehouse ::.
.:: Interview with Rocío by Mariana
Figueroa - El Norte Newspaper - Vida ! ::. .:: Orchid Jewelry Creation Gallery ::.
.:: Art-Atlas.net - Site of the Month ::.
.:: Online Exhibition - Polvo Magazine &
E-Zine ::. .:: Ironews.com - Live from the City of Angels
::. .:: Feature Artist - Global Art Gallery
::. .:: Feature Blacksmith - Iron News,
Italy ::. .:: Permanent Exhibition - BTDesign Art Gallery
- Italy ::. .:: Guest Artist of the month December 2001
- Solo Exhibition BTDesign Art Gallery ::. .:: Online Exhibition elnorte.com ::.
.:: Interview with Rocío Heredia -
El Norte Newspaper - Sierra Madre ::. .:: Online Interview with Rocío
by Mariana Figueroa - elnorte.com ::. .:: Interview with Rocío by Mario Prado
Cabrera - El Porvenir Newspaper - Cultural ::.
Bill Roberts (USA) Efrén Ordóñez Villalobos (Mexico)
Graciela Ríos de Fernandez-Ruiloba (Mexico) Mr. David Kenig (Israel)
Tom P. Muir (USA) Dolores Valenza (USA) Tevel Herbstmann (USA) Bruce
Fink (USA) Don Ricardo Cantú Leal (Mexico) Dr. Alex Heuberger
- Projekte Mexico (Switzerland) Celina Morales de Salomó (Spain)
Ari Telch (Mexico)
Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey, Mexico
School of Art, Bowling Green State University, Ohio Metalwerx Jewelry/Metalarts
School, Massachussets Valentin Yotkov Studio, New York Society of American
Silversmiths, Rhode Island |

Rocío Heredia / Il
Chiostro, Venice. |
Cultural Information System /
SIC Mexico.
- Member since 2008.
Leon State Arts and Culture Council -
CONARTE - Member of the Visual Arts Guild since 2002.
Leon State Arts and Culture Council -
CONARTE - Member of the Photography Guild since 2010.
Society of American
Silversmiths - SAS
- Lifetime Member since 2001.
Desde la Mirada Women Artists Collective based in Ecuador. Member since 2011.
--top |
was invited to participate
in the Photography Guild Elections Commitee of the Council for the Culture and
the Arts of Nuevo Leon - CONARTE 2013-2016.
Photography Classes with
Gerardo Montiel Klint. Centro de las Artes, Monterrey, N.L.
I was invited to participate
in the Visual Arts Guild Elections Commitee of the Council for the Culture and
the Arts of Nuevo Leon - CONARTE 2010-2013.
Photography Classes with
Oswaldo Ruiz. Centro de las Artess, Monterrey, N.L.
I was invited to participate in the Visual Arts Guild Elections Commitee of the
Council for the Culture and the Arts of Nuevo Leon - CONARTE 2007-2010.
Drawing Classes with Enrique Elías. La Pergola House of Culture of San
Nicolas. 2007- 2008.
Private Classes with Bill Roberts, Ornamental
Metalsmith, FL. November 2005. Private Classes with Dolores Valenza, New York,
Fall 2005. Designing Jewelry in Wax Workshop, "Il Chiostro" Venice, Italy,
October 2005. Feature
Artist/ Webmistress Preferences - The Best of the Best, January 2005
I am pleased to say one of my artworks " Saint George and the Dragon
" is published on the book cover
.:: Dragon Slayer ::.
written by Christopher Cookson, published by Cookson Books, July 2004.
MacKenzie Annual Purchase Award from Bowling Green State University,
Spring 2004. Private
Classes with Dolores Valenza, NYC, December 2003. Private Classes with
Christine Quiriy, October 2003.
"Fold Forming" Workshop with Anne Larsen Hollerbach, November
"Crocheting with Wire" Workshop with Joan Dulla, October 2003. Jewelry
Classes with Jenn Mank, October - December 2003. Jewelry Classes with Ann
Cahoon, Fall 2003. Wax Carving Classes - Private Classes with Sumner
Silverman at Martha's Vineyard, MA, October 2003. Artist in Residence at Metalwerx
- October/December 2003. Artist D'Mon - Widemag Magazine.
by Silverio Pantalla, December 2002. Feature Artist - Talenti
- NTO.it , Italy, November 2002. Best of the Week - Art, Ponteiro -
Guia de Informações, Brazil, October 2002. Feature Artist Art Link Warehouse
- 2002. Painting Classes taught by Master Artist Dolores Valenza in New York,
August 2002. Marketing for Artists Workshop and Jewelry Classes taught by
Master Karen Christians in Woburn, MA, USA at Metalwerx Jewelry & Metalsmithing
School, July - August 2002. Rocío Heredia - Site of Month / Site du
Mois Art Atlas L' Annuarie de l'Art Paris, France - May 2002.
- Headlines - BTDesign Masters of 2001 announced!
Design Intensive Workshops I and II taught by César Gutiérrez, Web Trainer in
Monterrey, N.L. March and April 2002. Winner of the 3rd.
place for the
Master of 2001 Award and the 2nd. place for Best Artworks and 2nd. Best
Artsite. BTDesign Art Gallery, January 2002.
view Award >>
was an international evaluator for the 2001 and 2002 edition of Surreal Web Awards
Galleries/Design Awards and Site of the Year.
Exhibition - Guest Artist of the month at the
BTDesign Art Gallery , Faenza, Italia December 2001. Repoussé
and Hand Embossed Metals Workshop, October 2001 at the
Stockton Jewelry Arts School, Stockton, California - Article about the Workshop
IroNews.com Exhibition at the "
Galleria Incognita " October
2001 - Carlsbad, California. I was invited to speak
to design and ceramics students of San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, California.
I showed examples of my pieces and explained the process of the techniques I utilized.
October 2001.
Designer since April 2000.
Artist at IroNews.com
Ornamental Chasing / Repoussé, Valentin Yotkov Studio in New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
- June 2001. Solo Exhibition "Divine
Inspiration " >> Loyola Cultural Center of Monterrey, A.C. - May
2001 Master Efrén Ordóñez and me worked altogether in the Piece:
Virgen María
- May 2001.
of private classes of my own metalwork techniques of Chasing and Repoussé since
January 1998. I worked during two years in a Psychotherapy Clinic with Children
with low IQ., also in the area of Psychodiagnosis. I operated during six years
at my own Day Care Center - "My Little World", with Kids from 2 months
to 5 years old. Graduated: Psychologist at
Regiomontana University - UR ::.
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. I studied Elementary School and High School at Anglo
Español School, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
Recent Pieces:
.:: Elixir of Life ::. Fine Silver/24K
Gold .:: Hanuman ::.
.:: Saint George and the Dragon ::. Dragon
.:: Madonna ::.
.:: Saint George and the Dragon ::.
Copper, bees wax and patina
.:: Fall ::. Fine Silver/24 K Gold
.:: Fallen Apples ::. .:: Candle holder ::. Fine Silver/24
K Gold
.:: Shalom ::.
8 cm. X 10 cm. Tin
and brass.
.:: Self Portrait ::. 7 cm. X 8 cm.
.:: Erosion ::. 7 cm. X 8
cm. .:: Calla lillies 1, miniature ::.
.:: Cerro de la Silla y el Obispado ::.
.:: Erosion II ::. .:: Saint George and the Dragon miniature
::. .:: Calla lillies ::.
.:: Karen's Shell ::.
.:: The Triumph of the Hero ::.
.:: Shalom II ::.

Heredia / Photo: Heath Satow Studio |
the Artist:
Rocío Heredia, designer
metalsmith. Rocío lives in Monterrey, N.L. Mexico. Address in the
USA: 1211 San Dario P.M.B. 496, Laredo, Texas, 78040, U.S.A.
To Artist by Rocío Heredia.
read the Interviews visit the next link >>

© 2001- 2019 Rocio Heredia® - All rights reserved. Unauthorized Reproduction is
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